hold an election

美 [hoʊld ən ɪˈlekʃn]英 [həʊld ən ɪˈlekʃn]
  • 举行选举
hold an electionhold an election
  1. Ms. Yingluck 's plans to hold an election to capitalize on the popularity of her pro-poor subsidies and spending plans already appear to be foundering , however .


  2. But it won 't blow out of proportion to the point where you basically can 't hold an election .


  3. Tunisia is due on October23rd to hold an election to a constituent assembly .


  4. But I don 't imagine he is making a ministerial broadcast to say he isn 't going to hold an election .


  5. In order to ensure that more than half of the voters cast their votes , they usually hold an election meeting , or vote by proxy , or ask other people to vote for them .


  6. The Congress party-led ruling coalition , which must hold an election before May next year , has stemmed exports of essential food items and raw materials and cancelled futures trading of important commodities to try to rein in prices .
